In order to order our products online, open your web browser and go to orders.olgaberg.com (do not type www). You will be taken to the following login page:
If you have NOT received a password, click on “Forgotten Your Password” and your pre-allocated password will be emailed to you. If the email doesn’t have a password, please either contact your sales agent or Head Office directly. All our details can be found by clicking on the “Contact Us” link above.
Change your password: It is important to now change your password. In order to do this, click on “My Account” at the top of the page. On the right hand side, you will see “Account Information” and within this box “Change your details”.
Once you have clicked on “Change your details”, you will be taken to a page with all your information. Scroll down to the bottom and you will see the Login section.
Enter the password you wish to use and click Continue.
Returning Customers login:
At the login page (orders.olgaberg.com) enter your email address and password and click “Continue” to login.
Some information about each heading:
Stock: AU, NZ and USA customers only. This is stock currently available in the Australian warehouse and can be dispatched immediately.
Clearance: AU & NZ customers only – discounted stock.
Collateral: Available to all customers, this is filtered by season and contains our wholesale catalogues, high resolution images and campaign images for customers to use on their own websites and advertising material.
POS: AU & NZ customers only – acrylic and millinery stands for purchase.
Click on the heading you wish to view.
There are two viewing options you may select. “Gallery View” and “List View”. Click on each to see which is your preferred viewing option.
You can see that our products can also be sorted using your sorting preference.
All colour options will be shown. If there are additional views (i.e. side view or internal view) you may click on the product and see all available views. You can also see a larger image of the product.
If you wish to purchase a product, you must enter the quantity required and hit “Add to Cart” for every item.
You cannot just type all the quantities across the page and then click “Add to Cart”. It will only add the product you selected last.
As you add products to your cart, your “Basket” will continue to be updated with a total $$ value visible (in your local currency).
At any time during this process, you can click on and modify, change quantity, remove or confirm items.
When you have finished and are ready to confirm your total order you must click on “View Cart | Checkout”.
You must select your “Delivery Country” and “Freight” options. Then click on “Go To Checkout”. This applies to Account Customers also.
Your details should be pre-filled on this page but you must check and confirm or change anything if required. If there are any recurring errors in this information, please contact your sales agent or head office directly.
Requested Delivery Date: Please complete this field and we will do our best to comply. Please use current date.
Payment Method:
The only payment option is Credit Card. Once you hit the Proceed button further down you will be taken to a payment page.
Any comments you have.
Terms and Conditions:
You must read our terms and conditions and tick the box.
Click “Proceed”.
You will now see a summary of your order and down the bottom is a “Pay Now” button.
An “Order Confirmation” will now come up. You must review it and select “Approve Order”.
Congratulations, now your order has been submitted!
If you did not receive an email order confirmation, there may be an issue with your order. Check that it is not still sitting in your Shopping Cart. If all looks good but still no email, please contact hello@olgaberg.com and they can confirm if the order went through and resend the confirmation.